Patient: SADIE Species: FELINE Breed: DSH Age: 14Y Gender: FEMALE Requisition #: 14598644 Accession #: J9145134 Order recv'd: 5/13/2006 Ordered by: ASHER BIOPSY with microscopic (1 tissue) Test SOURCE/HISTORY 5 x 3 cm mass dorsal head. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION The large subcutaneous dorsal head mass contains a large area of epidermal ulceration associated with fibrinosuppurative inflammation. Majority of the mass consists of solid sheets and interwoven bundles of mildly pleomorphic neoplastic fibroblasts associated with scattered small islands of degenerate skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle interstitium contains loose connective tissue associated with moderate ectasia of blood vessels. Mitotic count is approximately 20 per 10 high power fields. Neoplastic cells extend to sample edges. DIAGNOSIS Fibrosarcoma COMMENTS Fibrosarcoma in cats is a clinically aggressive tumor. There is a very high rate of recurrence and narrow excision is invariably followed by eventual recurrence. Wide excision with 2-3 cm margins is often required to achieve a satisfactory remission time. Metastatic potential is relatively low. Adjunctive therapy may improve the clinical outcome and consultation with an oncologist may be helpful.